Robs Road to Recovery Ranch is a rehab center providing services in and around McClain County.
They provide a wide range of services, settings and treatment approaches such as:Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Inpatient Drug Rehab, Outreach To Persons In The Community.
They offer special programs that are tailored to unique individual needs such as: Std Testing and Hepatitis education counseling Or Support.
If you are interested in attending or using one of the services offered by Robs Road to Recovery Ranch, they accept the following payment types: Cash Or Self Payment
There are many reasons why you might receive a dual diagnosis in Purcell for both substances abuse and addiction as well as a co-occurring mental illness. In particular, your age, environment, and genetics could all play a role in increase your risk for a dual diagnosis.
For instance, if you start abusing drugs and alcohol at a young age - such as during your teenage years - you might increase your risk of becoming addicted and eventually developing a mental health disorder. This is because your brain would still be developing.
If you have post-traumatic stress disorder, you might react to the current environment especially when it reminds you of the past trauma that you suffered, witnessed, or experienced. In this condition, your brain would respond as if you were still living in the past. As a result, it could trigger stress, fear, and anxiety.
Over time, you might even experience suicidal thoughts as a result of your PTSD condition. If you abuse alcohol and drugs, these thoughts could be intensified. To protect and preserve yourself, it is recommended that you seek help for this condition as well as work on overcoming your addiction before it is too late.
Did you know that you can develop psychosis as a result of going through withdrawal after abusing drugs and alcohol for a long time? If you are addicted to and dependent on these substances and you suddenly stop taking them or significantly reduce their use, there is a high risk that you could experience withdrawal syndrome.
Psychosis that is induced by withdrawal from drugs often involves alcohol. Alcohol addiction that has been ongoing for a long time can significantly change the chemical structure of the brain. Eventually, you might suffer delirium tremens when you stop drinking. This condition will cause symptoms that are similar to those produced by psychosis.
In case you are addicted to drugs and alcohol while also struggling with another co-occurring medical, mental health or behavioral health disorder, you may be able to benefit from spending time in a dual diagnosis treatment program.
These programs will guide you on the road to recovery by offering you the rehabilitation services that you need to deal with all the disorders that you were diagnosed with. Further, they will offer you the ongoing help that will ensure that you do not suffer a relapse later in the future.
The important thing to keep in mind is that it is recommended that you opt for dual diagnosis treatment if you were diagnosed with more than one of these drug related disorders.