NW System Csl and Guidance Clinic Northwest Journey/Amery is a rehab center providing services in and around Polk County.
They provide a wide range of services, settings and treatment approaches such as:Mental Health Treatment, Outpatient Drug Rehab, Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
They offer special programs that are tailored to unique individual needs such as: Children With Serious Emotional Disturbance.
If you are interested in attending or using one of the services offered by NW System Csl and Guidance Clinic Northwest Journey/Amery, they accept the following payment types: Cash Or Self Payment, Medicaid, State Financed Health Insurance Plan Other Than Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, State Welfare Or Child And Family Services Funds, County Or Local Government Funds
Amery Regional Behavioral Center Amery Regional Medical Center is a rehab program providing services in and around Polk County.
They provide a wide range of services, settings and treatment approaches such as:Psychotropic Medication, Hospital Inpatient, Activity Therapy.
They offer special programs that are tailored to unique individual needs such as: Family Psychoeducation.
If you are interested in attending or using one of the services offered by Amery Regional Behavioral Center Amery Regional Medical Center, they accept the following payment types: Cash Or Self Payment, Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Military Insurance
Amery is like any other location in the United States in the sense that there are many people here who abuse drugs and alcohol. among these people, there are some who also struggle with mental health problems.
In particular, some of the residents of Amery have been diagnosed with these mental health disorders because they abuse drugs that cause them to struggle with the signs and symptoms of a mental illness. To recover, they often need expert dual diagnosis treatment to manage both their drug and alcohol addiction as well as the mental health disorders that they have also been diagnosed with.
Although it is normal to experience highs and lows all through life, if you are depressed, this condition is likely to continue unabated for months or even years on end. Unless you seek professional treatment, the condition might even remain untreated for the rest of your life.
However, you might start abusing drugs and alcohol to self-medicate the symptoms of your depression. When this happens, you might develop a substance use disorder - or an addiction - much faster than you would have if you were not struggling with the mental health disorder.
DSM-IV - the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th Edition) reports that slightly above 10 percent of the American population has one form of impulse control disorder or the other. However, males tend to be more prone to these disorders than females. Additionally, these disorders typically occur at the same time with substance abuse and addiction as well as with other mental health disorders.
In many cases, impulse control disorder might be misdiagnosed or overlooked. If this happens, the end result would be that you would not receive the help that you need to overcome it.
Mental health and substance abuse treatment - also known as dual diagnosis addiction and mental health treatment - is recommended if you have been struggling with both drug and alcohol use as well as a co-occurring mental illness.
This form of integrated treatment uses a systems approach that will review your psychological and psychiatric history and your abuse of drugs and alcohol. It will also provide you with various treatment and rehabilitation services - including assessment and evaluation, medically supervised detoxification, therapy and counseling, and aftercare planning and programming - to guide you on the road to recovery.
It is recommended that you seek dual diagnosis treatment in Amery to manage all of the disorders that you have been struggling with simultaneously so that one does not cause the other to recur in the future.